Cyber Home for the 2005 Potter's Raid Tactical .... ........ Sept. 7-10th 2005

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Schedule of Events

Whats happening when....

 Troops arrive on Wed. 7/ Sept. and move out to their first nights camp.
Pickets will be posted betwen camps

Tactical fights and Battles for public Thur. Sept 8th
Union Troops may begin advancing at First light.
Expect to fight all day long. The main Union Force will be halted in the afternoon, but skirmishers will be posted between the armies. Limited resupply will be allowed.
Tactical fights and Battles for public Friday Sept 9th
Union Troops may begin advancing at First light.
Expect to fight all day long. The main Union Force will be halted in the afternoon, but skirmishers will be posted between the armies. Limited resupply will be allowed.
Tactical fights and Battles for public Sat. Sept. 10th
Union Troops may begin advancing at First light.
The Union advance will be resisted till early afternoon. Upon reaching a common camp ground Saturday afternoon, both sides will cease hostilities and partake of a local farmers bounty in the form of a HOG ROAST !!!Skirmishers will be posted between the beans and the Potato Salad....
(Just kidding !)
Leave for home on 11th